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  • At least 10 characters
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Register Step12

  • Upload an image for your profile

    Or drag and drop file here

  • Reaching out to the Support Line Team



    1 reply

    Edited by faithkareber 1 month ago

    This space is here for you to pose a question directly to the team..

    Information and Support Officers

    Our Support Line Officers can help you with information about all aspects of living with, or caring for someone, with a terminal illness. From diagnosis to bereavement, whether you have practical, emotional or financial questions or concerns, or if you just want someone to talk to, the team are here to support you.

    Information and Support Nurses

    Support Line Nurses offer telephone service users:

    • unbiased/impartial and evidence-based information on terminal illness
    • the opportunity to speak to experienced health professionals about your concerns or feelings

    Support Line Nurses do not offer telephone service users:

    • advice about medication
    • recommendations on individual specialists or treatment centres
    • an out of hours, emergency or rapid response service
    If you have a question for us - please post away. 

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  • faithkareber

    Support - test

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